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Undermine Major Tips and Boss/NPC Guide Part 2

Bosses in Undermine

Bosses, Boss fights and attacks, and tips for defeating them: This section will help you with the most important part of the game, the gatekeeper that holds your progress in it's hand. Advancing through each boss fight opens up new unlocks and completes sections of the game and allows you to make progress. Currently in its early access stage there are 6 bosses.

First Boss-Rock Mimic (Mini-Boss):
Image result for rock mimic undermine

This is a mini boss that you will encounter fairly early on in your Undermine journey in the mines. You will find him when you hit a rock that has gold in it and he will pop out of the rock. However if you are witty enough you can place a bomb next to the rock and he will take a lot of damage even before he does the animation and begins the fight. Try to save a bomb so that you can use it for this occasion as when the fight starts it will be very difficult to place a bomb and do damage without taking damage yourself as he does a lot of moving around.

Attack #1- He has a rolling attack. He turns into a ball of a rock and tries to roll into you. You can still do damage HP.

Attack #2- He drops rocks from above. You can simply dodge these and move out of the way. This is the best time to get some hits on him as you can hit and do damage faster than the rocks fall and hit you so long as you dodge appropriately.

Attack #3- He hits the ground with his hands spewing a trail of dust that can hurt you if you don't dodge it. You will want to jump over or out of the way of these.

Second Boss-Selt; Lord of Sand
Image result for selt boss undermine

This is the second boss you will encounter and the difficulty really ramps up on this one. He is a very difficult boss to defeat and expect to spend many tries on trying to get him to die. This is a large worm-like boss, something in the vein of the Eater of Worlds from Terraria.

Attack #1-Selt moves through the arena and after stopping shoots out his children; Eggs that hatch larva that will shoot at you. You can destroy the eggs and prevent them from spawning. This is a good idea to at least try to get a few as the screen will start to get covered up with them really fast and it'll be difficult to focus on the boss if you don't at least get a few. Also try to get a good amount of hits on Selt's tail after getting a few eggs as this will be the time when Selt is still for a good amount of time.

Attack #2-Selt moves in a circle chasing his tail. During the process Trails of dust and rocks shoot out at even intervals all around him making this attack fairly easy to dodge after learning the pattern so long as you are not too close and can move out of the way fast enough. There is nothing you can do but dodge here as you cannot do damage and dodge at the same time here.

Attack #3- In this attack Selt goes under grown for a period of time while the player has a target on him. Eggs will spawn and a prison of rocks will encircle the player. The Collector Update 0.2.1 made it so the player can jump out of this prison. This is a much needed change as before Selt would simply smash into you the player and deal almost unavoidable damage.

How to counter Selt: Whenever you get a chance to hit him aim at his tail. This is the only part that will take damage and trying to put down bombs is difficult with a fast moving boss but still can be a good strategy to reduce at least some of his health. You will have periods where Selt is in limbo and you can place a good amount of hits on the tail before he starts moving again. This is your time to get the damage in. Another way to approach this fight is by dropping a bomb that Selt will carry away. How to do this, well the moment Selt becomes enraged he turns red and is about to dive underneath the ground. If you can time it right you can drop a bomb in the middle when he turns red and Selt will carry that bomb away, get it back again and it will explode doing damage and stunning him for a period.

Third Boss(Mini-Boss)- Stone Gargoyles: These Gargoyles will be the next major battle you will face. They will be in a locked room with a key in the center of the room. Upon trying to go up to get the key a prison of stone will rise up to guard the key and 4 statues of Gargoyles will awake out of their sleep. These key guardians are a very powerful enemy.

Attack #1-Fire attack which is one directional; only initiated if player is directly in front of Gargoyle.

Attack #2-Gargoyles return to their stone state to regenerate health. They can still be damaged with a bomb. When you first enter this room you can kill at least one Gargoyle by dropping a bomb before walking up to the key and initiating the cut scene and fight. This will make the fight somewhat easier.

Fourth Boss- Mortar Charged Golem:
Image result for stone gargoyles undermine

Mortar is a rock-like creature with a rock body, head, and hands. He has blue orbs that circle around him. You can hit him between the Orbs as well which will damage him instead of the orbs. The orbs can be destroyed as well.

Attack #1-Mortar's stone hands come down at the player over and over trying to hit him.

Attack #2-Blue orbs circling Mortar go out unto the arena and 2 will move an electrical laser beam through the arena from one end to the other either horizontally or vertically. This can be dodged by simply jumping up or to the side.

Attack #3-Mortar sends the blue ball-like orbs out on the arena while he is in the middle. They do damage when on the returning arc. During this time Mortar is defenseless and you the player should be able to do the most damage during this phase.

Fifth Boss- Noori, Spectre of Darkness:
Image result for noori undermine

Noori is the fifth boss in the game and is found in the Halls of Din. Noori looks like a black and purple circle of death. He does no contact damage to the player. Damage taken is proportional to the number of purple flames in the room if there are no lit purple flames then Noori will not take damage os it is important to keep this in mind during the fight. How do you keep the purple flames lit? Noori will during one of his attacks send out two orbs that will curse you if they hit you but if you let the following orbs hit one of the statues that purple flames spawn out off that is unlit it will light up again. With the right relic you can also send the orbs Noori shoots out right back at him.

Attack #1-Noori tries to grab you with his hands which come out of the ground from a portal. If Noori succeeds he does a large amount of damage to you. Try to avoid this attack at all costs. Most of the fight will be spend trying to dodge these hands and light fires that have extinguished by trying to aim the curse orbs into the unlit flame statues.

Attack #2-Noori teleports to a corner and shoots waves or orbs at the player. This attack can be easily dodged if you simply jump at the right moment.

Attack #3-Noori in this attack centers himself in the top middle of the room. He then sends out guiding orbs that will try to follow you and if they hit they will curse and badly damage you. These disappear after a time.

Sixth Boss- (To be Continued. This one came out in the last update)

Part 3 will contain NPC and relic guides.

Link to part 1 of the Undermine Guide

(Guide first written on Steam Guides under my Steam name: Leafafarian)


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