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Undermine Major Tips and Boss/NPC Part 1

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Undermine is a Roguelike action game developed by Thorium Entertainment and published by Fandom. If that sounds familiar it is because it is, Fandom is the popular website that provides a wiki platform for video games. Undermine is their first published game and it is a phenomenal start for them just entering the industry and hopefully they continue publishing titles as good as Undermine. This guide to Undermine covers these major aspects of the Undermine game. This is an updated guide to the one I have posted to the Steam Community Guides under the name:  Leafafarian. 

1.Introduction to the game

2.Major Helpful info/tips

3.Bosses in Undermine-Attacks, how to defeat

4.NPC's and unlockable characters you will meet. 

You are a peasant sent into the mines by your boss the wizard who wants you to collect gold for him and along your journey to find the source of the tremors that are shaking the mine back and forth. Along the way you will meet characters in the mines who if you help them escape the mines will set up shop above the mine and provide you with goodies at the start of each new run. Death is a part of the game and is a part of every run; this being a roguelike. But not to worry the wizard has plenty of workers/peasants to do the job and if one dies the other will take the job of going down the mines. During your journey you will get the opportunity to pick up relics which are items found in item rooms marked as a chest on the mini map. These items change your run in many ways. Some of them will change your stats such as swing damage, throw damage, or HP. Others will switch out your bomb for a more powerful bomb or a bomb that attacks in different directions. Others do things such as show you secret rooms. A huge part of the fun in this game is all the different item combinations you can get and how they change your run. This game is a roguelike in natre and has randomized levels that differ from each other every run. It is a classic perma-death however with stats that can be kept and progressed as you gain gold and upgrade your character. It is in a similar vane and with similarities to Rogue Legacy and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

12 Major Tips/Advice to Progress

1.Movement and Set-up: Use a controller as it is far more difficult to aim with a mouse and keyboard. If you are limited to using mouse and keyboard remember to go to the options menu and check to see that you have mouse aim turned on as this makes the pickaxe and the direction you are facing congruent with where you point your mouse towards. Go through the options and also change things to your liking. There is a rumble setting however it goes off anytime you jump so you might want to turn it off before starting as to not have any distractions.

2.Opening a cursed chest (purple colored chests) should be a rare occurrence. Often you will not get any great reward for your risk and you will get a curse that can ruin your run or end it prematurely. There are situations however where it is wise and preferable to open a cursed chest. For example if in the shop there is a potion that removes a curse on the same floor as you curse chest then yes go ahead and open it. There is also another encounter similar to cursed chests and involving getting cursed where it is beneficial to take a curse. There are altar rooms with relics in them and each one costs you a curse and you get to choose one to pick. Sometimes you will get the choice to get a really powerful ability that could win you the run. Please take the risk then. It might save your butt later on.

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3.Take advantage of buying keys and bombs before you start your run if you have this NPC unlocked and are able to do so because you will most likely run out of one or the other in any given run.

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4.Upgrade Debbies Shop: One of the first things you will need to upgrade once you unlock the shopkeeper at the top of the mines (by paying 1,200 gold at the pilfer in the shop; and shop to join the loyalty program) is the expended food supply in the shop. Also upgrade to get the pepper shaker in the wizard's room to increase the effectiveness of food. These 2 upgrades are far more powerful than any others. HP is king in this game for newer players. Remember that. Also you will be able to increase the item supply of the shop so there are more keys, bombs, etc. You can also increase the potions spawned in the shop. This can be very important to finding one of the characters in the game. He is hiding in a crawl space which is underneath a random rock that when bombed will give a staircase down. He is called Kurtz and he is between Goldmine 4 and Dungeon 3. The best way to find him is to find a potion in the shop that reveals secrets. When you take the potion and walk by a rock that has a staircase below it it will reveal itself. The potion also reveals secret rooms if you walk by them.

5.Use bombs in combat: Bombs can be one of the most powerful weapons if you can land them appropriately in a fight. They are very, very powerful even when you have not upgraded them to the max(if you have unlocked this npc) When fighting a boss especially you can quickly whittle down his hp with a few bombs especially if you have bombushka item or blue or red bombs.

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6.Progress in this game is gated by bosses: Learn their patterns, try to defeat them over and over again until you learn their weakness and strengths. The more you win the more progress you will make. The latest update has made the worm boss much more manageable to fight. You can now get out of the stone prison he locks you in as one of his moves during the fight.

7.The Collector Update has drastically changed the balance of the game. The day after the update i defeated the worm boss Selt, Rescued Lillyth after beating the Gargoyles, and defeated Mortar charged Golem. That's three bosses in one day. The collector update has made the curses an actual viable strategy now where before a curse could destroy a run and end it prematurely. One of the mechanics in this game is blessings and curses. There are altars you will find where you can get a blessings for the cost of a curse. Using these extensively to boost stats such as critical strike can really increase your damage output and make you win the run.

8.HP is king. Whenever you get low on hp always try to find the shop because it will usually have a little hp at least. Try to upgrade the shop and expend the food supply as soon as you can because hp is very important in this game. Don't fret about the money it costs to buy the steak or fish, remember that you can get all of it back as the hp will allow you to go further and further in the game. HP is always i repeat, always a smart buy. Never worry about spending money on something so important. Also you can find steak and fish in the game as you play. Break pots in the later levels as they can contain one of these.

9.Use keys sparingly. Keys don't drop very often so when they do make sure you are using them the best way you can. There are 2 important key rooms on every floor, the shop and the item/relic room. Sometimes any one of these can be unlocked however there is no guarantee of this. If you have a key make sure you don't use it to open a chest but save it until you can open the item room first. There are really good items in there that will help your run far more then the gold, etc that you will find in a chest. The only situation when you will have a better use for your remaining key is when you are very low on hp and need to get to the shop to buy food. Then the smart option is to go to the shop first. Often the shop will contain a key and you can purchase the key there and get into the item room as well.

10.Peep Skeletons. When you walk up next to a skeleton laying on the ground you will notice you can interact with it, or peep it by pressing Y. This is really important to peep the skeletons because sometimes they have valuable goodies for you. They can carry keys and bombs which they will drop after you peek them.

11. Use the pickaxe for ranged attacks on flying enemies, enemies lit on fire, and enemies such as bombs and walking skeletons that you need to keep your distance from. You will not be able to dodge the projectiles they fire at you if you are close to them using your melee attack.

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12. Secret rooms are a thing, as well as secret rocks. Secret rooms you will notice pretty soon after starting your first run as you will see a dark wall that is twinkling while the other sides are not. This means there is a secret room behind the wall. You can get to it by placing a bomb there. After it explodes walk into the room. These rooms are random just like the levels. There could be any number of things for you to take. Chests, cursed chests, Altars, etc. Secret rocks have crawl spaces below them. Sometimes the rock will have an x on it so you know there is a staircase below it and other times there is nothing to indicate a secret rock. The only way to find it then is by drinking a potion that reveals nearby secrets to you. It reveals secret rooms and secret rocks only when you walk by any of them. So you do have to do some exploring. The other way is to find a rock that is in a strange location and bomb it.

The next post will contain Bosses in Undermine and NPC characters. This is part 1 of the Undermine Guide. 


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