Many of us have fallen into a rut and stopped playing video games or maybe we have stopped enjoying the games we play and we are wondering what has happened. For many of us video games are one of our favorite hobbies. And for some of us it is our only hobby so when we lose enjoyment in this hobby it really scares us. If you are fallen out of playing new video games or any video games there are some things that might help us get back into them. For those who are still going strong- great, enjoy the hobby, i'm really happy for you and hope that you never have to go through this in your life however for those who are going through a lapse in video games it can be a major change in our lives and so we want to know what we can do. There are some things that we can all do to regain our love of gaming.

1.Watch A Let's Play or Youtube Series. Watching someone who is passionate about the game does something in our brain. It has an effect on us. What i mean is go on Youtube or Twitch.tv and watch either your favorite streamer/youtuber or one of your favorite games being played as a let's play. This allows you to see the game played in a way that you wouldn't play it and see secrets in the game that you haven't found yourself. It helps a lot to see someone who is passionate play a video game as some of that passion hopefully will rub off on you as you try to regain your love for the genre or game.

2.Play A Game From Your Childhood. Let yourself be overcome with the feeling of nostalgia as you try to regain your childhood memories. For many of us our childhood was when we first gained a love for video games and first became excited to play and explore their worlds. This time period is a vital one in our lives as it was the beginning of a love for something that would later on help many of us overcome difficult periods in our lives. Playing video games as a kid was an amazing learning experience as it was the first time we were trying say one particular genre, and it was a time when we were learning how video games worked and acted and how to behave in their worlds. It was a time of many firsts by playing games from your childhood you can reconnect to the game that you used to love and regain the childlike wonder of playing video games.
3.Try Playing A New Game- Sometimes we need a new experience to get us out of the funk we are in. Play something you have never played before. Maybe you've done research on it and you know you will like it or maybe it is something from a completely new genre that you have never tried before. It is important to let yourself experience all there is to experience in the field of gaming and that means sometimes taking a risk and trying something you might not like or something that is out of your field.
4.Play With Friends Or Online- Gaming can be a very social hobby. Although many people game along in their rooms that doesn't mean that gaming has to be a solitary activity. Playing with other people or with your online friends can help you regain a love and passion for gaming. The goal is to enter a state of "flow". This is a state when your ego falls away as your complete focus is on the activity you are doing at hand. You forget where you are and all other thoughts go away as 100% of your focus is on the game at hand. This is sometimes easier to do when with other people but it depends on the gamer.
5.Change Your Playstyle- Change how you approach a particular game. Let's take World of Warcraft as an example. Say you like to do quests and do quests all the time and nothing else because that's what you've found you enjoy. Well change your playstyle. Try doing raids instead. Or in Counter Strike Global Offensive. Maybe you always play with the Ak-47 as the terrorist team. Try using the AWP instead. Changing how you approach a game is helpful in showing you that there are different play styles and sometimes that will give you more of an passion and interest in trying out different ways of playing. This can be said about lot's of games as well. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition for example. Maybe you know how to play as the Britons and you are good as them so you always pick them as your civilization when you play. Changing this and your playstyle in the process means investing more time into learning a new method. It's not easy and it's getting out of our comfort zone a lot of times but the payoff is worth it. Often we find a better way to play and learn things we didn't know.

In conclusion try these 5 things to regain your love and passion for video games.
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