A lot of those Saturday's were spent eating Ice Cream (my favorite food to this day) and gaming with my brother. Our neighbor would at times come over and bring a few of his games so that we could play together. We had a Nintendo 64 game system and a CRT TV. If i close my eyes and return to those days I can still feel something close to the joy and curiousity I felt as I explored new worlds and learned new things about each game I played. I remember loosing a lot when our friend came over as he was allowed to play all the time and got really good at the games he had. But that didn't bother me at all as I was happy to just have fun exploring these games.
Years down the road, having moved to a new location and a new life my brother and I would receive a Dell Computer and through this continue our gaming journey. The same joy and curiosity that I felt before I would feel again and again with each new game I played. as we would get new games such as Age of Empires 2, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Need For Speed Underground, Need For Speed Underground 2, and Sim City 4. These were staples that I I would play and explore. Bird's eye view Strategy games were something we could never play on the Nintendo 64 and these grew on us as well. City builders such as Sim City and Pharaoh were amazing to play. Pharaoh in particular I put a lot of hours into.

Age of Empires 2 would become my favorite game during this time period. I remember the day that we bought the game. We were at Walmart and we begged our parents to get us the game. Everyone we knew was talking about the game and we wanted to experience it for ourselves. It was Summer and there was no school. We got the game and when we got home we tried to install it and unfortunately it didn't work. We were young, knew almost nothing about computers and so we thought the game must be defective and so tried to return it. We didn't know you couldn't return an opened game and were told by the cashier that we could get another of the same game to try and see if that changed things. So that is what we did. When we got home and tried that it still didn't work. The next day however i was at the computer and I was trying it over and over again. I then tried to install it in a different folder and wola! it worked! Age of Empires 2 would become one of my favorite games and i still return to playing it at times to re experience it myself.
Today I hope to recapture that excitement and euphoria I had as a kid in my writing and in my gaming journey.
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