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Fall Guys Is Not A Fad

Fall Guys' servers are struggling on launch day - Polygon

Last month a new game was released by Devolver Digital called Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. A colorful little multiplayer party game with mini-games where you are a Fall Guy competing in little games with others that involve moving on platforms and avoiding obstacles. Fall Guys has broken many records and has become incredibly popular thou. It has sold 7 million copies on Steam and is now the most downloaded game on PlayStation Plus. It is incredible how a small indie game has been able to achieve such numbers and such fame. Twitch has also been a platform where the game has rose in popularity and spiraled the game into stardom. Twitch streamers have been streaming the game nonstop with average viewer counts in the hundreds of thousand at any given time. 

Fall Guys still has a problem: team games - Polygon

Which brings me to the fact that many people have been saying that Fall Guys is a fad game and will fall away in a month. Well a month later and the game is still going strong with 150,000 average player count on Steam at any given time of day. However they then say that fall guys won't last a year. The goal posts keep moving. And this is simply the type of argument that they are presenting. It is not based in facts or logic but in emotion. A lot of people do not enjoy the game and want to say something negative on it however there are many more people who are in the opposite camp who are having a great time playing.

Fall Guys taps into the irresistible psychology of epic fails | WIRED UK

Why is Fall Guys not a fad game. Well there is really no such thing as a fad game. Because in reality it is like this. Good games rise to the top and bad games fall away to the bottom where no one plays them or thinks about them. And Fall Guys clearly has the player base to prove at this point. Second It is a fun game to play and is well made. But what makes people coming back to a game is whether it is fun. It is something that encompasses the design philosophies of major game companies such as Nintendo who has said that the first thing they consider in releasing a game is whether people are enjoying playing it.  Are people having fun? I would say yes. The amount of popular YouTube streamers who are playing and promoting the game causing the game to spiral is for sure.    

So what about you the end consumer or the end player, should you pick up the game. I would say yes, a definite yes. But first check out the game on YouTube, on Twitch and see if you like what you see. The game is a lot of fun to watch and a blast to play. 

What is next for the game. Season 1 is the current season the game is on and in the future they are releasing Season 2 which included new costumes for the characters and changes to the mini-games including fresh takes on the current games. 

Thank you for reading. If you enjoy my content and want to read more please subscribe and stay updated for new posts and articles on favorite games and gaming news. 


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