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Why Was Gaming As a Kid so Much Fun? How Do We Get Back The Feeling of Getting a New Game As a Kid?

I realize that now as a grownup gaming has slowed down for me. It's not what it used to be. I remember the days of being a kid and how it felt to play a video game then, there was an excitement and passion and euphoria that I just can't seem to recreate again. Maybe I will if a game comes along that really gives me that nostalgic joy again.

My history of playing video games started with the Nintendo 64 when I was 6 years old. That was my first console and I played it to death, both my brother and I would spent Saturday mornings gaming and eating Ice Cream. I want to feel the feeling of sitting down to play on a Saturday morning and knowing adventure awaits you. If i could get that feeling again , it would be all I need in life. Saturday mornings were the most memorable for me because they were filled with so much fun for me. Back then I had just moved to the United States with my Dad and my brother and we didn't have much to our name. We had public assistance and we barely scraped by. My dad had to take care of two young children on his own. That wasn't easy. Gaming was what i gravitated towards to fill my time. Gaming gave me a sense of excitement and euphoria that I would seek again and again in my life. There is still nothing quite like Saturday mornings even today when i start my day with a gaming session.

A few years down the road my gaming took me to the Gameboy Advance. I played pokemon on it a lot. It was Pokemon Blue and it was the only game my brother and I had for it. but it was enough. There was plenty to do in the game and it was better to be able to get good in one game then to have a lot of games and not finish any of them. Gaming as a kid was fun that's for sure. Later we would get a computer and that would be the start of my pc gaming journey. Today I mostly game on my PC and my 3ds.

Why was gaming as a kid so much fun? Well one aspect of it is that we used to explore every nook and cranny of the games that we had. Most of us back in the day would only get games on holidays or special occasions, at least once every few months for me. The games that I got I would explore them to death. This meant that I was able to familiarize myself with the game and know it really well. This is much different from today when I have a huge Steam library and cannot figure out what to play. I've started a bunch of games and they all stare at me unfinished. To get that excitement back you need to take a few steps. The major one is this: you need to complete each game you own, and you will go back to a feeling that you used to have but have now lost. You will get to feel the excitement of getting a new game again. This is something many of us have lost. The excitement of getting a new game. Back when we were kids we would explore every nook and cranny of the game so getting a new game was exciting because it was something fresh, something we knew nothing about except what was on the box. That was how i used to buy games as a kid. Now with a huge library of unplayed games a new game is simply added to the backlog. It's not a new game to play but a new game to add to the backlog. That is why if we finish the games we have we will be able to feel the feeling again of getting something new. It will truly feel new and we will feel what we felt as kids before. The joy we have lost. Imagine being able to go back to the feeling of being bored with the games you have. I sometimes had the feeling as a kid when i would truly finish a game and replay it over and over and eventually i would get something similar to a feeling of boredom. It 's a good feeling to have though. Because you can get a new game and it will go away. It is far better then having the paralyzing feeling of having too many choices because of a huge game library we have mismanaged.

Explore every nook and cranny of a game and finish the games that you have. If you do this you will get the feeling back of what it was like to get a new video game as a kid.


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