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Showing posts from October, 2019

Why Was Gaming As a Kid so Much Fun? How Do We Get Back The Feeling of Getting a New Game As a Kid?

I realize that now as a grownup gaming has slowed down for me. It's not what it used to be. I remember the days of being a kid and how it felt to play a video game then, there was an excitement and passion and euphoria that I just can't seem to recreate again. Maybe I will if a game comes along that really gives me that nostalgic joy again. My history of playing video games started with the Nintendo 64 when I was 6 years old. That was my first console and I played it to death, both my brother and I would spent Saturday mornings gaming and eating Ice Cream. I want to feel the feeling of sitting down to play on a Saturday morning and knowing adventure awaits you. If i could get that feeling again , it would be all I need in life. Saturday mornings were the most memorable for me because they were filled with so much fun for me. Back then I had just moved to the United States with my Dad and my brother and we didn't have much to our name. We had public assistance and we barel...

Brutally Difficult Video Games That Will Take You Forever To Beat

There are Extra A+++ difficult games that are super hard to the point of being unfair and there are games that are difficult but fair in their difficulty. If a gamer decides to put in the effort to beat it he will be able to. I’ll be talking about the second one as some of my favorite games fall into the difficult genre. Why do I skip the first type of difficult games. Well because they are made off artificial difficulty. That is a lot of these games where made in a time where the limitations of their hardware memory storage deemed that the only way to make a long experience was to crank up the difficulty. People would obviously feel cheated out of their money if they payed what is in today’s money $100–120 for a game and it was a 5–10 hour experience. So developers did what they could to prolong the length of the game. These games include Ghosts n’ Goblins, BattleToads, and Ninja Gaiden. I understand why developers did what they did but in today’s age when we have an unbelievable...

What is Video Game Addiction like?

What is it like to be addicted to video games? Most people don't understand how powerful and life changing video game addiction can be and think people who are playing 2,4,6 hours a day are already addicted. This is far from the truth. Playing that little won't change your life the way a real addiction will. For most people who get addicted, it usually means getting addicted to one game, usually massively multiplayer, hardly is it ever single player.  Massively multiplayer games are games such as World of Warcraft, Eve Online, League of Legends, and Dota 2. These games involve putting in a lot of time and effort to get good. At some point in this journey there are people who cross a line where the game becomes more important than real life. No one really knows where the line is but one thing is for sure there are certain people who are predisposed to becoming addicted. And it isn’t a particular game, it is the person in question, as a person like this can stop playing their f...